We are done for the season. See You in September!

Who are we?

Stir (Grades 6-8) and Revive (Grades 9-12) make up our Youth Group here at WEFC. We are a group dedicated to learning who God is so we can be more like him, and one of the main ways we do this is by gathering together on Friday nights at 7:00. Every regular Youth night consists of teaching and small groups, as well as some sort of activity and snack. Over the course of the year we also have a handful of special Fridays, which consist of things like worship nights, service nights, small group nights, or outings. There is also Sunday school available for both Jr and Sr Highs at 11:00 am Sunday mornings starting in the fall.

We believe the life God desires for us is best built through community and we would love for you to become a part of our awesome corner of the kingdom.

 If you would like more information, or would like to be added to our weekly mailing list, please contact Silas below



In previous years we had a 5$ fee for every Friday night, and I am working on moving towards making it completely free, apart from the occasional big event night or outing. However, as you can imagine this is a major change to our budget and I am not able to completely abolish the fee altogether just yet. To help transition away this year, there will be a 25$ annual fee for youth groups + some of the cost for outings.

Now, with all that said, this fee will be reserved for our regular youth, or anyone who comes more than five times over the course of the year. If you are a guest this will not be required, unless you decide to start coming regularly. Also, If you are someone who is not financially able to make this payment please contact me below. I want our ministry to be accessible to all, and I do not want money to be a deterrent for anyone desiring to be a part of our youth community.

I hope that makes sense, and if you have any questions please contact me below.



When is the youth retreat?? - Our annual youth retreat takes place in mid-late February. We will also be heading out to Youthquake on April 26-28th

How can I register for youth? - You can register at the door on any Friday night, or use the link at the top of the page!

Mailing list? What is that and how can I join? - Either sign up below, or contact Silas and he will be happy to add you to our list! Our mailing list comes out every Tuesday during the year and includes information about upcoming youth nights and special events

Question about Youth? Contact Silas below

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